


Ancient Rome, ethnomathematics, ethos, culture


There is no historiography in the mathematics of ancient Rome, the authors attribute the lack of mathematical philosophy to the practical spirit of the Romans. Two objectives are proposed, the first is to establish the level of development in mathematical management and the second explains the supposed low interest in the theory. Ethnomathematics is used to provide a philosophical and sociocultural framework. Also to the method of critical history to carry out the study of sources. Hermeneutics to understand the meaning of historical figures, in order to explain the facts and analyze the processes. The ethos of social values, prevailing at the time, does not give priority to what is or how things are, since it would imply considering their trainers who are slaves and externi (foreigners) as a social subject, putting them in the same social condition and even surpassing the Hellenistic shapers.



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How to Cite

Castellanos Suárez , J. A., Delgadillo Dávila, A. ., & Estrada Esquivel , A. L. . (2023). MATHEMATICS IN ANCIENT ROME, THROUGH ETHNOMATHEMATICAL STUDY. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 31(40), 101–126.



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