Personalidad, estrés y modos de enfrentamiento resiliente ante el cáncer

Personality, stress and resilient coping modes in the face of cancer




cancer, stress, personality, resilience


The objective is to measure personality types, stress profiles and resilient coping types with the Nowack Stress Profile Test and the Resilience Scale RS-25 in cancer patients in order to know their mental health, an essential element to propose strategies to help reduce morbidity. Quasi-experimental research of clinical explanatory and cross-sectional type, carried out in two independent samples selected by medical diagnosis of the head and neck and spine care services. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine the characteristics of the sample and the correlation between variables. Results, Patients with a type C personality have risk behaviors due to prolonged periods of stress to avoid confrontation or escape, physically provoking low biological defenses and development of malignant tumors and metastasis. Chemotherapy treatment presents side effects provoking negative physical and emotional reactions.


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How to Cite

González Jaimes, E. I. ., López Chau, A. ., Bautista López, J. ., Trujillo Mora, V. ., & Décaro Santiago, L. A. . (2023). Personalidad, estrés y modos de enfrentamiento resiliente ante el cáncer : Personality, stress and resilient coping modes in the face of cancer. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 31(40), 38–63.



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