How can we help a colleague at risk of suicide? Exploratory study for gatekeeper training




adolescents, Gatekeeper, suicide, suicide risk, prevention, peer support


Psychoeducational interventions using the gatekeeper model train attendees to recognize and respond to suicidal risk situations.  Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-24 years. The objective was to identify the strategies that students in a public high school have to help a peer at risk of suicide. An exploratory study was conducted with a mixed approach, suicidal risk was assessed using the Plutchik scale and emerging categories using group dynamics. A total of 946 students participated, 19% were at suicide risk. Twenty-one categories were generated, involving offering support, helping to think clearly or solving problems; those at suicidal risk thought that nothing should be done or simply listening. As a conclusion, students understand strategies they intuitively know since 20% are repeated responses, they also have reactions that could increase the risk of suicide.


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How to Cite

Herrera Orozco, A., Paramo Castillo, D., & De la Roca-Chiapas, J. M. (2023). How can we help a colleague at risk of suicide? Exploratory study for gatekeeper training. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 31(40), 127–137.



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