Migración México-Estados Unidos,caso de la mixteca de Oaxaca


  • María Dolores Rodríguez López Universidad Autónoma Chapingo




phenomenon, impact, migration


The following article describes the background of the indigenous migration of the Mixtec people of Oaxaca and their main destination to the United States of America. The migration of the Mixtec people from Oaxaca is a phenomenon that transcends cultural, economic and social borders, and its impact on the countries of origin and destination are evident; In this case we focus on the Mixtec region of Oaxaca and the impact that the Mixtec language of that region has on the indigenous language.


(Sarmiento, 1989). A partir de 1920, un nuevo contingente de trabajadores se dirigió a la costa de Oaxaca, cerca de Pinotepa Nacional, y a la zona del Soconusco, en Chiapas, para laborar en la pizca de algodón y en los cultivos de café.



How to Cite

Rodríguez López, M. D. (2024). Migración México-Estados Unidos,caso de la mixteca de Oaxaca. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.58299/edutec.v32i2.755