Impact of the use of mobile technology in the behavior of children in interpersonal relationships


  • Manuela Martínez Ruvalcaba Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Rosalva Enciso Arámbula Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Sandra González Castillo



internet, relationships., mobile devices


The importance of this research was to determine the impact of the use of mobile technology in the behavior of children in interpersonal relationships of sixth grade groups, for which the study population were students from elementary school J. Jesus Ruiz Aguilar City Tepic, Nayarit and the sample the students enrolled in the school year 2014-2015.


The objectives were to know the percentage of children that use mobile devices and identify their influence on their behavior. The research was conducted with a non- experimental and cross-sectional, descriptive type and the instrument used composed of 36 items of closed questions.

The hypothesis was rejected considering the results obtained which shows that the use of new technologies does not cause dependency in children's society, especially mobile devices that were analyzed in this investigation.


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How to Cite

Martínez Ruvalcaba, M. ., Enciso Arámbula, R. ., & González Castillo, S. . (2020). Impact of the use of mobile technology in the behavior of children in interpersonal relationships. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 5(6), 67–80.



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