Conclusion of the educational project methodological-application, feasibility sowing-harvest and sale of the bean by the ejidatarios located in the right bank of the river Santiago. Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit


  • Ileana Margarita Simancas Altieri Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Heriberta Ulloa Arteaga Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • María Asunción Gutiérrez Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Iliana Josefina Velasco Aragón Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit



Medotology, Investigation, Practice, Solution, Cost


The present study aims to analyse and demonstrate that the subject of research methodology can be practical, pedagogical and real, with a problem previously detected in the locality of the municipality of Santiago Ixc. Nayarit, related to the production process of beans, which analyzed the most important factors such as costs from production to the sale of beans, and possible solutions to apply. To carry out this research, documentary and descriptive research was carried out, applying a survey to 40 Ejidatarios, finding a possible solution to this problem.


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Conclusión del proyecto educativo metodologico-aplicativo, factibilidad siembra-cosecha y venta del frijol por los ejidatarios ubicados en

el margen derecho del rio Santiago en Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit

Ileana Margarita Simancas Altieri, Heriberta Ulloa Arteaga, María Asunción Gutiérrez Rodríguez e Iliana Josefina Velasco Aragón

Revista EDUCATECONCIENCIA. Vol. 19, No. 20. Publicación trimestral julio – septiembre 2018

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How to Cite

Simancas Altieri, I. M., Ulloa Arteaga, H. ., Gutiérrez Rodríguez, M. A. ., & Velasco Aragón, I. J. . (2018). Conclusion of the educational project methodological-application, feasibility sowing-harvest and sale of the bean by the ejidatarios located in the right bank of the river Santiago. Santiago Ixcuintla Nayarit. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 19(20), 107–121.



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