Validation of the Smith’s Dispositional Envy Scale in a Mexican Sample




envy, anger, fear, self-steem, cognitive emotion regulation


Envy is a complex, negative emotion, defined by Aristotle as the happiness when others have problems and sadness whe others are well. This emotion is a frustrating experience that may lead to hurtful behaviors in the person that experiences it, and in the person who is the motive of the emotion. Objective: validate in a Mexican sample the Smith’s Dispositional Envy Scale. Participants 300 university students, The scales: Smith’s Dispositional Envy Scale, ML-STAXI, CERQ, The Self-Steem Rosengber’s Scale, and the Intensity in Fear. The exploratory factor analisis replicated the one-factor structure of the envy scale. The correlation showed that envy was associated with anger, trait anger, fear, rumination, blaming on others, self-blame, and catastrophic. Negative associated with lower focus on planning positively. The availability of the valid and reliable Smith’s Dispositional Envy Scale will help to assess envy in young adults and in the planning and implementation of intervention strategies.

Author Biographies

Verónica Reyes Pérez, Universidad de Guanajuato

Profesora investigadora

Raúl José Alcázar Olán, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Profesor Investigador

Ada Luz Peralta Borboa, Universidad de Guanajuato

Profesora investigadora


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How to Cite

Reyes Pérez, V., Alcázar Olán, R. J. ., & Peralta Borboa, A. L. . (2023). Validation of the Smith’s Dispositional Envy Scale in a Mexican Sample. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 31(41).

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