Agricultural restructure and the role of public policy around alimentary security of Sinaloa


  • Carlos Bruno Fiscal Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Octavio Bojórquez Camacho Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit



Public Policy, Sinaloa, Alimentary Safety


Because of ineffective agricultural restructuring processes and policies in the state of Sinaloa, alimentary insecurity has been increasing. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to explain and point out the events that led to high levels of alimentary insecurity in the state and what are the crops have been benefiting from these changes; just as the case of corn. In conclusion, it is perceived that the measures taken by the government were inefficient to combat new alimentary needs of people from Sinaloa, which resulted in an uncertain situation for food.


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Reestructuración agropecuaria y el papel de la política pública en torno a la seguridad alimentaria de Sinaloa

Carlos Bruno Fiscal y Octavio Bojórquez Camacho

Revista EDUCATECONCIENCIA. Vol. 10, No. 11. Abril-Junio 2016.

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How to Cite

Bruno Fiscal, C., & Bojórquez Camacho, O. (2020). Agricultural restructure and the role of public policy around alimentary security of Sinaloa. EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 10(11), 26–35.



Research Article